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Invest in Our Schools

This bond package will impact every student in the district. The projects will create additional opportunities for students to focus on becoming ready for the workforce or to attend college. Our changing economy demands that students leave high school prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that await. Voting YES will equip OKCPS students with skills that will be honed at college or directly in the workforce. Voting YES leads to a brighter future, not just for them, but also for our entire community.

The November 8 OKCPS proposition heavily invests in skills programs that make certain OKCPS students are college or career ready.  With your yes vote, every OKCPS student will have better access to learning marketable skills and being exposed to the types of jobs our economy demands.

Children in OKC public schools deserve the same educational opportunities as those in surrounding districts, and that is exactly what your yes vote will do.

Because every child should have the opportunity to build their own dream, regardless of which school district they live in.  (or not only in the suburbs, but right here in OKCPS)

What is included:


  • New schools and learning spaces that address overcrowded schools and 21st century learning opportunities

  • New buses to provide safe transportation for our students

  • Maintenance to protect our investments in schools and extend the life of our school infrastructure

PO Box 2331  |  Oklahoma City, OK 73101  |  405-297-8951

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